folk songs                     


a new 'book'

The publishing firm Mackay and Hertz have decided to commission a new “book” for schools on European history.  The “book” is of course not going to be actually printed – it is going to be published on the web.  They are looking for authors; young authors.  
The book’s concept is to combine accounts of events with short background articles.



you want to write it

Your group has decided to apply for the job – and as part of your application you are going to enclose a sample of your work – a background article on the first world war and an account of one aspect of the war - for example the battle of the Somme.




The two bars below are for moving around the site.  The first bar for one page forward (or back).  The second bar to move to the various sections.








Stephen felt, at the better moments, the love for them that Gray had demanded. Their desperate courage, born from necessity, was nevertheless endearing. The grimmer, harder, more sardonic they became, the more he cared for them. Still he could not quite believe them; he could not comprehend the lengths to which they allowed themselves to be driven. He had been curious to see how far they could be taken, but his interest had slackened when he saw the answer: that there were no boundaries they would not cross, no limits to what they would endure.

courage: mod
necessity: nødvendighed
endearing: indtagende
grim: barsk
sardonic: kynisk
comprehend: forstå, begribe
lengths: hvor langt
slackened: mindsket
boundaries: grænser
endure: tåle, gennemleve

