The communication
trench was filled with orange slime that covered their boots and puttees.
The closer they went to the front line the more it began to smell. Within
half a mile it had become no more than a zig-zagged cesspool, thigh-deep
in sucking mud that was diluted by the excreta of the over-run latrines
and thickened by the decomposing bodies that each new collapse of trench
wall revealed in the earth beneath.
(her) forbindelses-
trench: skyttegrav
puttees: viklers (militær gamacher)
zig-zagged: noget der tit skifter
retning skarpt
cesspool: slamkiste; kloakpøl
thigh: lår
diluted: fortyndet
excreta: udsondringer
latrines: tør kloset
decomposing: rådnende
revealed: afsløret |