folk songs                     


a new 'book'

The publishing firm Mackay and Hertz have decided to commission a new “book” for schools on European history.  The “book” is of course not going to be actually printed – it is going to be published on the web.  They are looking for authors; young authors.  
The book’s concept is to combine accounts of events with short background articles.



you want to write it

Your group has decided to apply for the job – and as part of your application you are going to enclose a sample of your work – a background article on the first world war and an account of one aspect of the war - for example the battle of the Somme.




The two bars below are for moving around the site.  The first bar for one page forward (or back).  The second bar to move to the various sections.








The communication trench was filled with orange slime that covered their boots and puttees. The closer they went to the front line the more it began to smell. Within half a mile it had become no more than a zig-zagged cesspool, thigh-deep in sucking mud that was diluted by the excreta of the over-run latrines and thickened by the decomposing bodies that each new collapse of trench wall revealed in the earth beneath.

communication: (her) forbindelses-
trench: skyttegrav
puttees: viklers (militær gamacher)
zig-zagged: noget der tit skifter retning skarpt
cesspool: slamkiste; kloakpøl
thigh: lår
diluted: fortyndet
excreta: udsondringer
latrines: tør kloset
decomposing: rådnende
revealed: afsløret
