Back to Utopia (The Boston Globe Nov 20, 2005)
Landmarks in fictive images of technology
British Utopian Experiments 1325-1945
Utopian fiction in 19th century
Surveillance - Utopian Visions
New York (with a historical perspective)
From: Looking for America, Systime 2002
From: New York City, Systime 1993
From the internet:
Scott Fitzgerald: Gretchen's Forty Winks, 1927 (From: From: New York City, Systime 1993)
Vivian Gornick: A Ride on the New York Subway, 1972 (10,1 ns) fiction, short story
Joyce Carol Oates: Nairobi, 1984 9,1 ns) fiction, short story
Bret Easton Ellis: Tuesday (American Psycho, 1991) 8,5 ns, fiction, extract from novel
Jamie Clarke: Interview with Bret Easton Ellis
Louis Wirth: Urbanism as a Way of Life, 1938 (From New York City, Systime 1993, pp.146 to 149) non-fiction
Anthony Giddens (Internet material by David Gauntless, photo copy)
Længerevarende gruppearbejde: identity
Harold Pinter: A Night Out, 1961 (Samuel French)
Albee: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf; first performed 1962 (Penguin)
James Joyce: Early Works, Modtryk 2001:
A Painful Case (From: James Joyce Dubliners, Penguin 2000) short story, fiction
The Dead, film by John Huston 1987
1. a 2004 (Til orientering for 1. b 2005)
Theme: Short short stories - Looking for America, (Bjørn Christensen, Systime 2002):
Theme: Identity in a Changing World, New Irish Fiction
Fra Identity in a Changing World (Irene Allerslev Jensen, Systime, 1996):
Theme: Identity: (project with German):
Poems about identity (not included in the project with German)
Sylvia Plath: Daddy (2,7 ns) and Lady Lazarus (2,8 ns) (From: Ariel 1965) poetry
Ted Hughes: The Rabbit Catcher (2,14 ns) and The Table (2 ns) (From: Brthday Letters, 1998) poetry
Theme: Utopia / Dystopia
Aldous Huxley: Brave New World, 1932 (Longman) (252 ns) (Links til romanen findes på min engelske fagside - engelsk litteratur) roman, værk
Dorothy Wertz: Cloning Humans: Is it ethical? (The Gene Letter, volume 1, issue 5, March 1997) (5,7 ns) non-fiction, tech.
Racehygiejne ind ad bagdøren (biotek -genvejen til bioetik og etik, forbrugerstyrelsen)
Keith Hudson: Eugenics is inevitable (Agence France-Presse, Sept. 30 2003) ( 2,9 ns) non-fiction, tech.
Ray Bradbury: The Pedestrian, 1951 (5 ns) (Man Belonging - not belonging, Gyldendal 1977) fiction, short story
Peter Porter: Your Attention Please, 1961 (52 lines) (From: Church Going to Crow, Gy.1974) poetry
Edwin Muir: The Horses, 1956 (52 lines) (From: Church Going to Crow, Gy.1974) poetry
W.B.Yeats: The Second Coming, 1919/1921 (22 lines) (From Collected Poems of Yeats, Macmillan) poetry
Theme: Modern Britain
Penelope Lively: The Happiest Days of Your Life, (5,8 ns) (From: Children our Future, Musagetes, 1979) fiction, short story
Penelope Lively: Loved Ones: A Christmas Fairy Tale, 1997 (3,5 ns) (From Crossroads I, Systime 2003) fiction, short story
Doris Lessing: DHSS, 1992 (7,2 ns), short story (From: Britain on the Move, Futurum 1994) fiction, short story
Fay Weldon: A Gentle Tonic Effect, 1988 (7,3 ns) (From: Britain on the Move, Futurum 1994) fiction, short story
Andrea Levy: This is My England, 2000 (14 ns) (From: This is My England, Gad 2001) non-fiction, essay
Michael Faber: The Eyes of the Soul, 1998 (12,9 ns) (From: This is My England, Gad 2001) fiction, short story
England in the 40s
Churchill: Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat, 1939 (From the British Spirit, Gy. 1969) non-fiction, speech
Churchill: Rebuilding the House of Commons (5,2 ns) (From the British Spirit, Gy. 1969) non-fiction
Francis Marshall: London at War (12,2 ns) (From the British Spirit, Gy. 1969) non-fiction
Albee: Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf, 1962 (104 ns) drama, værk
The American Dream, hist.
Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby, 1926 (Penguin Popular Classics) (169,9 ns) novel, værk
Filmen The Great Gatsby svarende til 12 sider
From Rereading America, A Bedford Book, 1989:
President Bush's inauguration speech February 2005 (7,7 ns) non-fiction, speech
Walt Whitman:
Langston Hughes:
Carl Sandburg: Chicago Poems, 1916 (#1 Chicago,#6 They Will Say,#24 Onion Days,#29 Working Girls,#55 Skyscraper) poetry; ialt 4ns, poet
Martin Luther King: I Have a Dream, 1963 (Internettet) 5,7 ns non-fiction, speech
LeAnne Howe: An American in New York, 1987 (11,5 ns) fiction, short story
Jacob Needleman: Two Dreams of America (extract: 20,8 ns ; Winter 2003, essay no 1) (The Fetzer Institute; http://www.jacobneedleman.com/TwoDreams.pdf) non-fiction, the
Hamlet 65 sider576,5 ns